Flying into the NW - Mullingar 27/07/13

Top competition in Derry City between the five local clubs Foyle, Maiden City, Londonderry, Ameila Earhart and Derry & Dist. Click here for all the latest news and results for the City of Derry Federation etc.
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willie reynolds
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Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Flying into the NW - Mullingar 27/07/13

Post by willie reynolds »

The birds were back in Mullingar this week for the second young bird race. Again we had section liberations, and for section H at least, it turned out to be a very good race. Although held until half nine due to fog at the release site, once they were up, and with a bit of a helping wind, the birds made good progress, covering the 100 plus miles in around two hours. The birdage seems to be well down on last week, although given the conditions and the heat, this is probably no surprise. Velocities are up on last week, with the Derry clubs leading the way home.

We will start this week then up in the Derry and District, where Anthony Mc Crudden gets back to winning ways, topping not only the club result, but taking First Fed and First Section as well. Paul Hegarty makes a welcome return to pigeon racing, and has a good weekend, taking second and fifth. The ever present Kieran Reid completes the top five, taking third and fourth spots. The full result for the Derry and District was, 1st,7th and 8th A Mc Crudden 1488, 2nd and 5th P Hegarty 1484, 1483, 3rd,4th and 6th B+K Reid 1484,1483, 9th and 10th D Canning. (11 members sent 149)

Next, we go to the Maiden City club, where the Coyle brothers Micky and Don are the first of our double winners this week. Micky and Don have got off to a great start with their young birds and take the first two in the club as well as second Fed and second Section. Top flying again this week and surely more to come. A return to the frame also this week for Jimmy and Billy Knox who take third and fourth, with Pat Cregan rounding out the top five. The full result then for the Maiden City looked like this, 1st, 2nd and 8th Coyle Bros 1487, 1476, 3rd and 4th J+B Knox 1470, 1462, 5th P Cregan 1446, 6th S Morrison, 7th and 9th P Mc Laughlin, 10th S Quigley, son and grandson.(11 members sent 178).

Our second double winner this week is Andy Mitchell, down in the Amelia Earhart. Andy’s birds are really flying well at the minute and he determined that his recent success will not be just a flash in the pan. We even had to get a new photo taken this week, by order of Andy’s wife who didn’t think we got his good side in last week’s photo. Well done again Andy, super flying again this week. The full result for the Amelia Earhart then looked like this, 1st and 2nd A Mitchell 1477, 1458, 3rd and 9th K Mc Cafferty 1424, 4th N Doherty 1420, 5th J+R Mc Monagle 1417, 6th, 7th and 8th S Campbell, 10th J Quigley.

Up in the Strabane club this week, it’s the Tommy Mc Bride show. Tommy takes four of the top five positions, with only Danny Mc Nulty spoiling the clean sweep, taking second. Great flying by Tommy, and the full result looked like this, 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th T Mc Bride 1474, 1467, 1461, 1433, 2nd D Mc Nulty 1470, 6th R Mc Ateer, 7th and 10th J Gamble, 8th and 9th N MC Gavigan. (13 members sent 284)

Leo Flanagan is back to winning ways this week over in the Londonderry club, taking the first two, with Joe Kelly in third and Brian Boyd and Noel Murray making up the top five. Leo will be hard to beat when he really gets going in the coming weeks. The result for the Londonderry club looks like this then, 1st and 2nd L Flanagan 1473, 1448, 3rd, 7th and 8th J+D Kelly 1447, 4th and 10th N Murray 1440, 5th and 6th B Boyd 1437, 9th T+M Gallagher. (9 sent 182)
Up in the Omagh club this week, there’s only one man in the result, which makes things very handy for reporting. Not surprisingly, Kenny Armstrong is that man, and takes the top six positions. Great flying again this week from Kenny. The velocities for Kenny were, 1393, 1390, 1390, 1357, 1357 and 1349.

Last but not least this week, we go up to the Limavady club, where Ronnie Witherow and Willie Mc Ilmoyle carry on from where they left off last week. Ronnie takes the first three again this week, with Willie taking fourth, fifth and sixth. Surely Willie will pip him one of these weeks. The full result looked like this then 1st, 2nd and 3rd R Witherow 1339, 1338, 1337, 4th, 5th and 6th W Mc Ilmoyle 1326, 1324, 8th J Mc Cool, 9th R Mc Ilmoyle, and 10th D Mc Cool. (7 sent 215)
The City of Derry Fed for this week looked like this, 1st A MC Crudden 1488, 2nd Coyle Bros 1487, 3rd P Hegarty 1484, 4th and 5th B+K Reid 1484, 1483.

Well done to everyone especially to our Section winner Anthony Mc Crudden, and to all the club winners and those who took positions.

Anthony McCrudden of Derry & Dist, 1st in the City of Derry Federation.

Ronnie Witherow 1st, 2nd & 3rd in Limavady.

Leo Flanagan 1st & 2nd in Londonderry.

Two in a row for Andy Mitchell in Amelia Earhart.

Micky Coyle and grand-daughter Kayla celebrate another win in Maiden City.
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