Mallow & 5 Bird - 06/09/13

Top competition in Derry City between the five local clubs Foyle, Maiden City, Londonderry, Ameila Earhart and Derry & Dist. Click here for all the latest news and results for the City of Derry Federation etc.
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willie reynolds
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Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Mallow & 5 Bird - 06/09/13

Post by willie reynolds »

This week’s race saw the birds at Mallow for the penultimate race of the year. Although the original race point for this week should have been Fermoy, it was decided to move to Mallow, due to the convoy being attacked at Fermoy the previous week. The race was also brought forward for a Friday release due to the weather conditions on Saturday, which proved to be a very wise move. As in previous week’s, the returns were very poor indeed, with many empty perches again. Indeed, some fanciers saw no returns at all this week. All in all, it’s been a very poor season for racing pigeons; with many fanciers I’m sure, glad to see the back of it.

Although this week saw the Mallow five bird running alongside the normal club race, I have no indication as to how the Five Bird actually ended up. I do know that very few men entered the five bird; indeed some clubs had no entries at all. In the whole of Section H, only nine men entered, sending a total of thirty five birds, which would make you think if it’s even worth having a Five Bird at all. As far as then Derry clubs go, the only men that I know at present who where competing, were Leo Flanagan who had the first birds home, and the Coyle Brothers who had two next day birds. Outside of this I have no real clue as to how it went. Leo in fact won the Section, with two Limavady fliers, John McCool and Ronnie Witherow, taking second and third.

We will move on then to the results for Mallow, which are the club results as I have received them. With two Sections up for grabs, we will start this week in the Londonderry club, where Leo Flanagan takes the Section honours from the main race, The Five Bird Championship. Leo has been having a fantastic season, and you wouldn’t bet against him winning the final Young Bird National race next week. Leo almost makes it a whitewash this week, taking seven of the top eight positions in the club. The only man to stop the whitewash is Billy Houston who takes fifth spot. The full result then looked like this, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th L Flanagan 921, 850, 826 and 826, 5th B Houston 794.

Down in the Amelia Earhart this week, we have our Mallow Section winner Eamon Quigley. Eamon has been very quiet recently, and has the only three birds in the club this week. So an easy result to report, 1st, 2nd and 3rd E Quigley 1036, 881 and 880.

Only three day birds in the Maiden City this week also. Pat Mc Laughlin gets a win at last, with Concannon Brothers taking second and third. Coyle Brothers had two next day birds and take the Five Bird by virtue of being the only members entered. The result then looks something like this, 1st P Mc Laughlin 914, 2nd and 3rd Concannon Bros, 4th and 5th Coyle Bros.
Another easy one to report on this week, up in the Omagh club, where Alan Kelly takes the first four positions. Alan is another man who has had a good season, and is no stranger to the top spot. The result then was 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th A Kelly 1031, 955, 942 and 901.

Over in the Derry and District club this week Kieran Reid gets back on top again, and has a great race with four birds in the top ten. Danny Canning is the closest challenger this week, with a good second, and another two in the result also. The full result for the Derry and District looked like this, 1st, 6th 8th and 10th B+K Reid 1031, 2nd, 4th and 9th D Canning 954 and 897, 3rd S Duffy 920, 5th A Mc Crudden 877, 7th J+G Ramsey.

Finally, up to the Limavady club, where it’s no surprise to see Ronnie Witherow in the driving seat again this week, with a win in the club and a good third Section in the Five Bird. Just a pity that this wasn’t his Five Bird entry, Ah well, that’s pigeons for you. The result for the Limavady club looked like this then, 1st and 6th R Witherow 1002 and 878, 2nd D Mc Cool 994, 3rd, 4th and 5th W Mc Ilmoyle 945, 931 and 923.
The top five from Mallow in the City of Derry Fed looked like this, 1st E Quigley 1036, 2nd B+K Reid 1031, 3rd D Canning 954, 4th L Flanagan 921 and 5th S Duffy 920.

Well done again this week to all our winners, on what was another very hard day. Special congratulations to our section winners Leo and Eamon, and a well done to all those who managed to get a position this week.

Pat McLaughlin, Maiden City.

Ronnie Witherow, Limavady.

Leo Flanagan, Londonderry.
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