Tullamore - Open & Sect Result

The East Down Combine was formed in 1967 and caters for pigeons fanciers within the County of Down in Northern Ireland. There are currently 22 clubs with approx 200 members sending a birdage of up to 5,000 pigeons each week. The Combine is currently spilt into 2 Section with a line running North to South creating an East to West Section. The membership currently race for 40 Open positions and 20 Section positions on a weekly basis. The Combine is affiliated to The Irish Homing Union Regulating and Promoting the Sport of Pigeon Racing in Ireland since 1895. Click here for all the latest news and results from the East Down Combine. Weekly reports penned by Clifford Browne.
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willie reynolds
Posts: 6883
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Tullamore - Open & Sect Result

Post by willie reynolds »


For the 2nd Old Bird race of 2009 the East Down Combine were in Tullamore and as had been forecasted the wind ,although fairly light ,was from an Easterly direction which meant it was a cold start to the day and with this in mind the race committee opted to hold off liberation until the day warmed up and this proved to be a brilliant decision as we all enjoyed a first class race and the Committee are to be congratulated on this decision . The convoy were away at 1pm and as the velocities show the birds were dropping in on top of each other and lofts reported good returns .

Heading the Combine by exactly 1ypm it was the Combine chairman and Ballylesson member Ken McConaghie ,racing in partnership with his good lady Betty who record a velocity of 1416 . I am always well pleased when those who work hard for the sport are successful at racing as well . It is on up the road a few miles to the Hillfoot club for 2nd open where it was Hugh Flynn on 1415 , Hugh you may recall from an article earlier this year had had an excellent season in 2008 and was really looking forward to 2009 so this is a good start for him . Last week’s winner Mark Foulis comes a very close 3rd open this week on 1414.7 and then has a further 3 in the top twelve of the Open at 9th,10th and 12th . Great flying by this Dundonald fancier. Ballylesson partnership C & D Smyth & Sons have a couple in the top twelve as does Dundonald’s Stephen Brown & Sons . As you can see from the result there wasn’t much between the first 6 birds in the open with the top twelve reading ;

K & B McConaghie Ballylesson 1416

H Flynn Hillfoot 1415

M Foulis Dundonald 1414.7

C & D Smyth & Sons Ballylesson 1414

S Brown & Sons Dundonald 1413

M McClure Hillfoot 1412

C & D Smyth & Sons Ballylesson 1408

S Brown & Sons Dundonald 1404

M Foulis Dundonald 1394

M Foulis Dundonald 1393

B & E Foulis & Gill Dundonald 1393

M Foulis Dundonald 1391

As can be seen from the above the Dundonald club had a great day at Combine level . I have put the complete open and Section result at the end of the column .

Top five in the sections sees the top five in the open win the top five in the West Section . In the East Section the top five were :

J & B Miskimmin & Son Donaghadee 1381 (a great pigeon this , see club notes )

R Moore & Son Bangor 1379

R Moore & Son Bangor 1367

R Moore & Son Bangor 1367

P Brown Annsborough 1365

Top 3 from Around the Combine Clubs

ANNALONG Great result for Kevin & Kristopher Rooney on 1283,1283 and 1282 ANNSBOROUGH Paddy Brown makes it two from two , winning velocity 1365 . Jim Cleland is in second spot on 1357 with D Croskery & Son 3rd 1344BALLYLESSON Winner this week were the lofts of K& B McConaghie with a blue yearling cock on a velocity of 1416.6 ypm beating the in form lofts of Colin and Dorothy Smyth who finished on 1414.3 ypm &
1408.9; BALLYNAHINCH SOC was won this week by Rab Hunter with a blue Willie Jacobs cock making a velocity of 1384 . Jim Gillespie & Sons take the next two on 1360 also with two Jacobs cocks through Gerald Delaney. BALLYWALTER and it is Sam Regan 1st and 3rd here 1324 and 1280 with Palmer & McKay 2nd on 1310 BANGOR and it is Reggie and David Moore again with the top three ,three yearlings on 1379, 1367.6 and 1367.2 and the boys have their team in fine tune and are really enjoying using the ETS system CLOUGHEY and Gordon bros repeat last week’s performance with the top three 1316,1305 and 1301COMBER where the winner this week is Eugene Murray on 1354 , C Hutchinson is 2nd on 1342 and F Gilmore is 3rd on 1339CROSSGAR Alex and Ann Cheevers get ahead of Paul and Darren this week on 1372 with the boys on 1370 and 1358 DONAGHADEE and what a super winner here for the Miskimmins having already won last week and the last young bird race of 2008 this Soontjen yearling also tops the East section this week . This winner originates from the Harmony lofts of John Abernethy in Ballynahinch .the winning velocity was 1381 . The Miskimmins have a second bird at 3rd club on 1335 and this is a Staf van Reet ,David Black cross . Alex Trimble and Family were 2nd on 1355 with a roundabout hen from Sean Milligan & dtr and this is a van de Rhee DOWNPATRICK and this week Paddy Lue on 1309 gets ahead of K Shaw & Son who have the next two 1297 and 1290 DRUMANESS P Burns wins here on 1340 ,J Kirk & Son were 2nd on 1316 with G Morrison & dtr 3rd on 1316 DUNDONALD and it is again Mark Foulis out in front this week on 1414 closely followed by Stephen Brown & sons 1413 and 1404 DUNDRUM J Maguire and ptnrs repeat last week’s performance velocity this week 1297 with Archie and Paddy Murray taking the next two on 1292 and 1290 HILLFOOT 3 good velocities here with Hugh Flynn leading the field on 1415 ,M McClure was 2nd on 1412 and D & T Brennan 3rd on 1386 KILLYLEAGH CENTRAL sees the red card going to McComb Bros on 1355 with N & W Hagan and son 2nd on 1333 and S McLoughlin 3rd on 1333 KILLYLEAGH & DIST and Tom and Colm Kilpatrick take the red card here again with H McAllister 2nd and J Morrison & Son 3rd 1323 ,1285 and 1278 being the top three velocities MILLISLE A great result for Ferguson &Wilkinson with the top two1325,1322 and then congratulations to a new name J D Chambers & son 3rd on 1316NEWCASTLE A good result for the partnership of E & A Rogan with the top three 1280,1268 and 1265 NEWTOWNBREDA M & A Johnston move up to no1 this week on 1390 they are also 2nd on 1381 with Tom and David Marshall 3rd on 1366TYRELLA a Close finish here between D McNabb & ptnrs on 1305 and Sean Milligan & dtr also 1305 with the McNabb partnership having a second bird on 1304 for 3rd place

News From Around The Ards Peninsula


Peninsula 3bird club

Report by Sam Regan

From the opening race of the season from Mullingar Sam reports as follows . The race was flown on April 11th and the morning opened with clear blue skies and a mainly Southerly wind . With a chance of rain coming in in the afternoon the race committee decided to go for an early liberation and the strings were cut at 8.45am getting the 2009 season underway . The Peninsula Amalgamation had 28 members send 581 birds .

The First winner of the season was the Donaghadee partnership of John & Betty Miskimmin & son timing a super yearling pigeon flying natural . This is a Soontjen from harmony lofts and this hen was well fancied taking a third red card of the day by winning the 3 bird club as well . John timed a second bird to win 7th position rounding off an excellent race for the partnership.

Amalgamation runners up and also club runners up in Donaghadee were Alex Trimble and family getting his Old Birds going well early on in the season .

Cloughey’s top loft ,the strong team of mainly Gaby Vandenabeeles of Gordon bros & Sons had a great race and made good use of their new electric Timing system by clocking seven pigeons in the result with four together for 3rd,4th,5th and 6th places adding 9th,11th and 14th to complete a fine days work by this team of birds and the 11th Amalgamation bird won 2nd and nomination in the three bird club .

Donaghadee club was well represented with Glen Gardiner clocking 4th club 8th Amalgamation with fellow club members Jim Johnston & Son James taking 10th place in the Peninsula list . In the Millisle club the winning loft was Laurence Brown’s winning the club and finishing 12th Amalgamation . The result is completed by the Ballywalter club winner Sam Regan in 13th place with a 2 yo Lambrects hen direct from the North Wales loft of D.L. & E Jones and this bird also takes 3rd place in the 3 bird club . The next race is from Tullamore . The full Amalgamation result where 28sent 581 was :

1st & 7th J & B Miskimmin & Son 1764 & 1738

2nd A & P Trimble & Sons 1755

3rd,4th,5th,6th,9th,11th & 14th Gordon Bros & Sons 1742,1742,1742,1741,1731,1722 &1684

8th M/M G Gardiner 1733

10th J Johnston & son 1728

12th R N L Brown 1709

13th S Regan 1700

3 BIRD CLUB 18/42

1st J & B Miskimmin & Son 1764 ABC

2nd Gordon Bros & Sons 1722 ABC & nom

3rd Sam Regan 1700 ABC

For the second old bird race of the season for the Peninsula Amalgamation saw the convoy at Tullamore and with other Northern pigeons at the same race point it was not until 1pm that the strings were cut and the birds were away into an east wind which was fresh at times on the Ards peninsula .

Pride of place for the 2nd week running goes to the Miskimmin family of Donaghadee with the same bird which won the club , Amalgamation and 3 bird club last week from Mullingar and this week goes one better adding the east Section to a very impressive and growing record of wins . John Miskimmins obtained this Soontjen as a youngster from the Harmony stud of John Abernethy of Ballynahinch and last year this pigeon as mentioned elsewhere in this column had won the final young bird race of the season from Pilmore beach . The Miskimmins loft had a fine race with two more in the Peninsula result at 3rd and 5th ,their 2nd bird was a cross Staf van Reet and David Black lines .Amalgamation runner up was another Dee loft and as with last weeks race Alex Trimble had to settle for 2nd club ,2nd Amalgamation . Alex’s bird is a van de Rhee from stock obtained from Sean Milligan and Dtr and the Trimble family timed two more to make the peninsula result at 12th and 13th .Kieran McCutcheon comes in with 4th club and Amalgamation and Kieran’s family is based on birds from the late Lol Whittle of Liverpool and these birds have flown exceptionally well for Kieran for the last number of seasons .

The Millisle club was won by the Ballybuttle partnership of Bennett Ferguson and Harry Wilkinson who take the top three places in the club and also three good Amalgamation places at 6th ,8th and 11th .

Sam Regan won the Ballywalter club with a 2 yo Cattrysse cross cock and takes 7th Amalgamation . At 9th Amalgamation a new name on the sheet that of J D Chambers & Son who lift their first Amalgamation ticket and well done to them . Gordon Bros & Sons of Cloughey are in 10th spot and the result is completed by the Ballywalter partnership of Palmer & McKay who times a 2 yo blue cheq hen on natural for 14th spot. This week sees the Combine at Nenagh a race point not flown for several years which is well to the West and Sam personally feels that this does not suit the lofts on the east Coast which make up the Peninsula Amalgamation.

The full result from Tullamore was :

30 members sent 749 birds

1st,3rd & 5th J & B Miskimmin & Son 1381, 1335 and 1327

2nd ,12th & 13th A & P Trimble & sons 1355, 1311 & 1311

4th D & K McCutcheon 1334

6th 8th & 11th Ferguson & Wilkinson 1325,1322 and 1312

7th Sam Regan 1324

9th J D Chambers & Son 1316

10th Gordon Bros & sons 1316

14th Palmer & McKay 1310

3 Bird Result with 16 /46

1st J & B Miskimmin & son 1381 (ABC & nom)

2nd Palmer & McKay 1310

3rd J & B Miskimmin & son 1305

South Down Federation

with Brendan McLoughlin

The 2009 racing pigeon season got underway on Saturday 11 April when the pigeons were released in Mullingar at 8.45am. Wind at the race point was south south-westerly and there was good sunshine all round. The birds were put up early as rain was forecast for the afternoon but thankfully this never materialised and the pigeons enjoyed a good fly home.

The week prior to racing provided some good weather, which was beneficial for training purposes enabling birds to be well prepared for the first race. The South Down Fed pigeons were never going to be in the hunt for Combine honours with the fresh southerly aspect to the wind, which saw Mark Foulis of Dundonald pick up his first combine win of the season and R Moore & Son of Bangor dominate the east section of the result.

Last year the first race of the season saw Tyrella’s S Halpin & Sons take the top three positions in both Federation and Combine. This year Tyrella again provide the Federation winners with Mr & Mrs Irvine taking the top position. They had an excellent race with two other birds in the result at third and tenth.

All three pigeons contain Grondelaar bloodlines from P Lue & Son Downpatrick. The winner is a five-year-old Grondelaar x Soontjens cock with the Soontjens lines also coming from P Lue & Son. This bird previously was a club winner from Thurles in 2007.

Mervyn and Philomena’s second pigeon is a two-year-old Grondelaar x Busschaert hen, and while this line of Busschaerts have been with them for quite some time they too originated in the Lue lofts.

Their third pigeon is a three-year-old Grondelaar cock that won from Tullamore last year. This is a superb start for the season for the Tyrella partnership and just reward for their strong training regime.

Annsborough’s P Brown is second Fed and has another bird in the result at fifth Fed to get his season off to a good start. Patrick assures me that a lot of this success is down to his wife Geraldine who looks after this loft of birds.

Patrick’s first pigeon is a two-year-old Lindelauf hen from Annalong’s K Rooney & Son. Kevin and Kristopher have provided many good prize-winners for Patrick in the past couple of years and many of them come from the Lindelauf pigeons.

Patrick’s second pigeon is a three-year-old hen from John O’Prey, Warrenpoint. Her nest mate was fourth Fed from Clonmel last year.

The ever present R McDowell & Son Annsborough are fourth Fed this week and they have an excellent record from all race points. The pigeon timed here is a yearling hen from their Derek Best pigeons.

Sixth Fed goes to Annsborough’s R J Keown with a two-year-old blue hen. This pigeon is the last daughter out of the now deceased ‘Old Janssen hen’, while the sire is a Steenhaut.

Michael Jennings Annsborough is seventh Fed with the pigeon that topped the Fed from the Skibbereen Derby in 2007. The sire of this pigeon is from John McCartan Annalong and is from stock he obtained from Dromara’s D Black. The dam is a Karel Boeckx x Van Reet from Cooper Bros.

Tyrella’s D McNabb & Ptrs are eighth Fed this week. The sire of their bird is from stock from Martin Flynn Drumaness from his Bates pigeons. The dam is a Van Reet.

The result is completed by Annsborough’s P Brown & Son in ninth position with a yearling Vandenabeele cock from Gordon Bros & Sons Cloughey.

Full Result: 1, Mr & Mrs Irvine Tyrella 1673; 2, P Brown Annsborough 1655; 3, Mr & Mrs Irvine 1653; 4, R McDowell & Son Annsborough 1636; 5, P Brown 1635; 6, RJ Keown Annsborough 1631; 7, M Jennings Annsborough 1630; 8, D McNabb & Ptrs Tyrella 1628.4; 9, P Brown & Son Annsborough 1628.3; 10, Mr & Mrs Irvine 1625:

May Day race will take place on Monday 4 May from Mullingar. Birds will be hampered on Monday morning in Annsborough from 8.30 to 10.00. Cost will be £2.50 for first 5 birds or less and 50p per bird for more than 5. Clocks will be set in Annsborough on Monday morning and checked out in Dundrum on Monday evening at 7pm. No clocks will be punched after this time. This race is open to Federation members only. The race will be sponsored by Patrick Brown who last year very kindly presented a new cup for the race, which will be on display on the morning of basketing.

The loft KO will start from 2nd Nenagh with the final from Bude.

East Down Combine Tullamore – K & B McConaghie Ballylesson 1416, H Flynn Hillfoot 1415, M Foulis Dundonald 1414, C & D Smyth & Sons Ballylesson 1414, S Brown & Sons Dundonald 1413, M McClure Hillfoot 1412, C & D Smyth & Sons 1408, S Brown & Sons 1404, M Foulis 1394, M Foulis 1393, B C T Foulis & Gill Dundonald 1393, M Foulis 1391, L McKinstry Dundonald 1390, S Brown & Sons 1390, M & A Johnston 1390, S Brown & Sons 1389, M Foulis 1389, A Cousins & Sons Ballylesson 1388, L McKinstry 1387, D & T Brennan Hillfoot 1386, R Hunter Ballynahinch Soc 1384, J Young & Partners Dundonald 1384, D & T Brennan 1382, M & A Johnston Newtownbreda 1381, J & B Miskimmon & Son Donaghadee 1381, R Moore & Son Bangor 1379, M Foulis 1379, J Young & Partners 1379, M Foulis 1375, A & A Cheevers Crossgar 1372, McCartan & Woodsides Crossgar 1370, A Cousins & Sons 1368, M Foulis 1368, B C T Foulis & Gill 1368, R Moore & Son 1367, M Foulis 1367, M Foulis 1367, R Moore & Son 1367, T Marshall & Son Newtownbreda 1366, B Hogg & Sons Newtownbreda 1366.

EDC West Sect - K & B McConaghie Ballylesson 1416, H Flynn Hillfoot 1415, M Foulis Dundonald 1414, C & D Smyth & Sons Ballylesson 1414, S Brown & Sons Dundonald 1413, M McClure Hillfoot 1412, C & D Smyth & Sons 1408, S Brown & Sons 1404, M Foulis 1394, M Foulis 1393, B C T Foulis & Gill Dundonald 1393, M Foulis 1391, L McKinstry Dundonald 1390, S Brown & Sons 1390, M & A Johnston 1390, S Brown & Sons 1389, M Foulis 1389, A Cousins & Sons Ballylesson 1388, L McKinstry 1387, D & T Brennan Hillfoot 1386.

EDC East Sect - J & B Miskimmon & Son Donaghadee 1381, R Moore & Son Bangor 1379, R Moore & Son 1367, R Moore & Son 1367, P Brown Annsborough 1365, R Moore & Son 1363, D & J Caskey Bangor 1359, R Moore & Son 1359, R Moore & Son 1358, R Moore & Son 1357, R Moore & Son 1357, J Cleland Annsborough 1357, A & P Trimble & Son Donaghadee 1355, McComb Bros Killyleagh Cent 1355, D Croskery & Son Annsborough 1344, Lambert & Stewart Bangor 1341, F Gilmore Comber Soc 1339, T & S Phillips Bangor 1339, D Croskery & Son Annsborough 1337, Lambert & Stewart 1336.

East Down Combine Clubs Tullamore

Ballylesson HPS 13/255 - 1st K & B McConaghie 1416, 2nd C & D Smyth 1414, 3rd C & D Smyth 1408, 4th A Cousins & Sons 1388, 5th A Cousins & Sons 1368, 6th C & D Smyth 1366, 7th F Keery 1362, 8th H Ballantyne & Son 1357, 9th C & D Smyth 1355, 10th F Keery 1354. As usual with a Club like Ballylesson the competition is red hot, this week the loft of K & B McConaghie come out on top ahead of Colin & Dorothy Smyth who has a couple of good arrivals with the 2008 EDC Fanciers of the Year coming in at 4th and 5th Club. The McConaghie loft finished 4th last week and have went to the top of the sheet this week.

Hillfoot HPS 9/156 - 1st H Flynn 1415, 2nd M McClure 1412, 3rd D & T Brennan 1386, 4th D & T Brennan 1382, 5th H Flynn 1358, 6th D & T Brennan 1344, 7th J Scates & Son 1341, 8th J Scates & Son 1339, 9th D Flynn 1337, 10th J Scates & Son 1333. Hugh Flynn needs no introductions to the readership he finished last season with 4 x 1st’s and wasn’t far away any week, in this respective race last season he finished 8th, 9th and 10th Club.

Dundonald HPS 8/235 - 1st M Foulis 1414, 2nd S Brown & Sons 1413, 3rd S Brown & Sons 1404, 4th Mark Foulis 1394, 5th Mark Foulis 1393, 6th Mark Foulis 1393, 7th B C T Foulis & Gill 1391, 8th L McKinstry 1390, 9th S Brown & Sons 1390, 10th S Brown & Sons 1389. Last weeks Combine winner, keeps the high standards going with yet another club first and wont be to far down the pecking order once again in the over-all Combine result. Mark finished last season with 7 x 1st Club’s and already has 2 out of 2 this year.

Ballynahinch HPS - 1st R Hunter 1384, 2nd J Gillespie & Sons 1360, 3rd J Gillespie & Sons 1360, 4th J Gillespie & Sons 1324, 5th R Hunter 1321, 6th S & P Logan 1313, 7th R Hunter 1309, 8th S & P Logan 1303, 9th R Hunter 1290, 10th R Hunter 1287. The Hunter loft have five good arrivals in the Club result this week matching the amount last week also. But this week the loft goes one better in winning the Club, last week the loft finished 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 10th. Good performance and consistency all round.

Bangor RPC 13/252 - 1st R Moore & Son 1379, 2nd R Moore & Son 1367, 3rd R Moore & Son 1367, 4th D & J Caskey 1359, 5th Lambert & Stewart 1341, 6th T & S Phillips 1339, 7th Lambert & Stewart 1336, 8th P & J Caskey 1323, 9th Phillips Bros 1322, 10th Phillips Bros 1320. Reggie Moore and son David had a smashing result last week taking the first three in the club, in the over-all Combine result they finished 2nd, 3rd and 4th Open behind a very good winner for Mark Foulis. The loft has done the same again this week and will feature highly in the result once again.

Crossgar 12/398 - 1st A & A Cheevers 1372, 2nd McCartan & Woodsides 1370, 3rd A & A Cheevers 1358, 4th A & A Cheevers 1348, 5th J McGreevy 1338, 6th McCartan & Woodsides 1333, 7th A & A Cheevers 1328, 8th McCartan & Woodsides 1320, 9th McCartan & Woodsides 1320, 10th S & K Duke 1320. The Cheevers loft have the result this week ahead of the ever consistent McCartan & Woodsides who took the first seven in the Club last week. The Cheevers loft have four good arrivals in the result and looking through the archives I see the loft finished last season with 2 x 1st Club’s and have the first pinned to the board already this season.

Annsborough HPS sent 324 Birds. 1st Patrick Brown 1365, 2nd James Cleland 1357, 3rd D Croskery & Son 1344, 4th D Croskery & Son 1337, 5th D Croskery & Son 1333, 6th Benson Bros 1328, 7th James Cleland 1324, 8th D Croskery & Son 1323, 9th J Cleland 1322, 10th P McCartan 1321. Patrick Brown finished 1st and 3rd last week and continues his good form from Tullamore this week lifting his 2nd Red Card for the season in only the 2nd race. Patrick has already equalled his total wins of 2008.

Drumaness Mills HPS - 1st P Burns 1340, 2nd J Kirk & son 1316, 3rd G Morrison & Daughters 1316, 4th J Kirk & Son 1304, 5th J Kirk & son 1283, 6th G Morrison & Daughters 1282, 7th J Kirk & Son 1281, 8th G Morrison & Daughter 1280, 9th P O’Connor 1246, 10th C Lavery 1216. The Burns loft improved on their 4th and 7th Club last week from Mullingar to top the club this week by 24 yards.

Cloughey HPS 8/171- 1st Gordon Bros & Sons 1316, 2nd Gordon Bros & Sons 1305, 3rd Gordon Bros & Sons 1301, 4th Shaw & Edgar 1293, 5th Shaw & Edgar 1291, 6th Shaw & Edgar 1291, 7th C Murray & Partners 1270, 8th H Gordon & Partners 1247, 9th H Gordon & Partners 1245, 10th C Murray & Partners 1244. Gordon Bros & Sons are another EDC name that needs no introductions to the readership, their record along the years has been awesome to say the least they continue their fine form of last week with the first 3 in the Club this week from Tullamore.

Downpatrick HPS - 1st Paddy Lue & Son 1309, 2nd Kieran Shaw & Son 1297, 3rd Kieran Shaw & Son 1290, 4th P Clarke 1263. Paddy Lue continues to lead the field in the Downpatrick area ahead of a couple of good arrivals for the Shaw loft.

Tyrella HPS 10/271 - 1st D McNabb & Partners 1305, 2nd S Milligan & Daughter 1305, 3rd D McNabb & Partners 1304, 4th S Milligan & Daughter 1301, 5th S Haplin & Sons 1301, 6th D McNabb & Partners 1290, 7th D McNabb & Partners 1289, 8th D McNabb & Partners 1288, 9th S Milligan & Daughter 1283, 10th Mr & Mrs Irvine 1282. The McNabb loft can be very proud of their result from Tullamore this week an all round great team performance to finish 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th and 8th Club.

Dundrum HPS 6/125 - 1st J Maguire & Partners 1297, 2nd A Murray & Son 1292, 3rd A Murray & Son 1290, 4th A Murray & Son 1288, 5th A Murray & Son 1284, 6th A Murray & Son 1283, 7th J Maguire & Partners 1268, 8th J Maguire & Partners 1263, 9th A McNamara & Partners 1261, 10th J Maguire & Partners 1258. The Maguire loft is the one to beat most weeks into Dundrum, this makes it two out of two for Red Cards and goes along way in matching or even bettering their total of 6 x 1st’s last season.

Annalong HPS 13/325 - 1st K Rooney & Son 1283, 2nd K Rooney & Son 1283, 3rd K Rooney & Son 1282, 4th K Rooney & Son 1282, 5th Donnelly Bros 1278, 6th K Rooney & Son 1269, 7th B McConnell 1265, 8th G Maginn 1253, 9th Donnelly Bros 1250, 10th B McConnell 1248. The Rooney loft topped the Club last year in this same race as part of their incredible haul of 13 x 1st Clubs in 2008. What a start to 2009 taking the first four in the club from Tullamore.
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