Prize List for 2022 -

The East Down Combine was formed in 1967 and caters for pigeons fanciers within the County of Down in Northern Ireland. There are currently 22 clubs with approx 200 members sending a birdage of up to 5,000 pigeons each week. The Combine is currently spilt into 2 Section with a line running North to South creating an East to West Section. The membership currently race for 40 Open positions and 20 Section positions on a weekly basis. The Combine is affiliated to The Irish Homing Union Regulating and Promoting the Sport of Pigeon Racing in Ireland since 1895. Click here for all the latest news and results from the East Down Combine. Weekly reports penned by Clifford Browne.
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willie reynolds
Posts: 6883
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Prize List for 2022 -

Post by willie reynolds »

Please find below a list of all East Down Combine Winners for the 2022 Season


Ringland Classic Cup – Skibbereen Classic

J Patterson Ballylesson

Kilpatrick Cup – 1st Talbenny

I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda

Taylor Cup – Bude

M Foulis Dundonald

Derek Wishart Memoria Cup – Mallow

M Foulis Dundonald

William Lowery Cup 2nd Talbenny

B Hogg & Sons Newtownbreda

McCausland Cup – Penzance

K Rooney, Son & Dtr Annalong

H & S Muckle Cup Penzance Classic

K Rooney, Son & Dtr Annalong

MacMillan Memorial Cup – St Malo O/B Derby

Gallagher Bros Annsborough

McNeill Memorial Cup – King Cup O/B National St Allouestre

Cowan & McCartney Dundonald

E Carlisle Cup – 5th Old Bird Race Mallow

M Foulis Dundonald

Castlewellan Show Cup – 5th Young Bird Race 1st Gowran Park

Mr & Mrs S Brown Dundonald

Jefford Memorial Cup – Lowest Inland Velocity

M Foulis Dundonald Vel 1239

R Johnston Cup – 1st Skibbereen Y/B Derby

B Hogg & Sons Newtownbreda

Skibbereen Cup – Ken McConaghie Skibbereen Y/B Derby

I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda

Charity Shield – Talbenny Y/B Derby

White & Son Newtownbreda

Agar Bros Cup – Friendship O/B National St Malo

R Straney Killyleagh Central


Brown Cup – Old Brid Average

Cowan & McCartney Dundonald Vel 1314

McCartan Memorial Cup – Old Bird Inland Average

M Foulis Dundonald Vel 1518

L & A Fields Memorial Cup – Best Average O/B Classic & O/B Derby

T Marshall & Son Newtownbreda Vel 825

Mrs Magee Cup – Young Bird Average

R & J Conlane Belmont Vel 1554

D Logan Cup – Best Average Penzance & 2nd Skibbereen Y/B Derby

Mackey & Lockhart Ballylesson Vel 1261

North Region Cup – Best Average over 4 Channel Races

K Rooney Son & Dtr Annalong Vel 1200

McCloud Cup – Best Average Over All Derbies

T Marshall & Son Newtownbreda Vel 932

Newcombe Trophy - Best Average last 4 O/B & Last 2 Y/B Races

K Rooney Son & Dtr Annalong Vel 1289

R Moore & Son Cup – Best Average Over Channel Championship Races

Mackey & Lockhart Ballylesson Vel 1139

E Hardy Memorial Cup – Best Average Last O/B and Last Y/B Races

K Rooney Son & Dtr Annalong Vel 1476

Marie Cromie Memorial Cup – Best Average Y/B Inland Derby Races

I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda Vel 1372

R Russell Memorial Cup – Best Average Channel Races Plus O/B Derby

J Trimble & G/Son Annalong – Vel 882

John Patterson Cup – Best Average 2 Inland Classic Races

M Foulis Dundonald Vel 1398

Ian Cousins Memorial cup – Best Average O/B Classic & 2 Y/B Inland Derby Races

Mr & Mrs S Brown Dundonald Vel 1445

East Down Combine 50th Anniversary Cup -- Best Average all Derby & Classic Races

J Trimble & G/Son Annalong Vel 957


1st Talbenny & Bude: M Foulis Dundonald Vel 1204

2nd Talbenny & Penzance: K Rooney, Son & Dtr Annalong Vel 1260


1st Talbenny: M Foulis Dundonald

2nd Talbenny: Mackey & Lockhart Ballylesson

Bude: M Foulis Dundonald

Penzance: Mackey & Lockhart Ballylesson


Navan: 1st Open 1st East Section J Trimble & Grandson Annalong

Nominated: 1st Open 1st East Section J Trimble & Grandson Annalong

1st West Section McCartan & Woodside Crossgar

Nominated: 1st West Section McCartan & Woodside Crossgar

Tullamore: 1st Open 1st West Section A Gregg Belmont

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section A Gregg Belmont

1st East Section Burgess & Brennan Bangor

Nominated: 1st East Section R Moore & Son Bangor

Roscrea: 1st Open 1st West Section Mark Foulis Dundonald

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section Mr & Mrs Brown Dundonald

1st East Section R Moore & Son Bangor

Nominated: 1st East Section R Moore & Son Bangor

Cashel: 1st Open 1st West Section R & J Conlane Belmont

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section W & R Evans & Leahy Belmont

1st East Section D & K McCutcheon Donaghadee

Nominated: 1st East Section C McManus & Daughter Crossgar

1st Mallow: 1st Open 1st West Section M Foulis Dundonald

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section R Irwin Dundonald

1st East Section Burgess & Brennan Bangor

Nominated: 1st East Section J Trimble & Grandson Annalong

Skibbereen Classic: 1st Open 1st West Section J Patterson Ballylesson

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section J Patterson Ballylesson

1st East Section Burgess & Brennan Bangor

Nominated: 1st East Section R Moore & Son Bangor

2nd Mallow: 1st Open 1st West section R & J Conlane Belmont

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section M Foulis Dundonald

1st East Section P McCartan Annsborough

Nominated: 1st East Section W & N Cully Portavogie

1st Talbenny: 1st Open 1st West Section I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda

1st East Section J Trimble & Grandson Annalong

Nominated: 1st East Section J Trimble & Grandson Annalong

2nd Talbenny: 1st Open 1st West Section B Hogg & Sons Newtownbreda

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section M Foulis Dundonald

1st East Section R Moore & Son Bangor

Nominated: 1st East Section R Moore & Son Bangor

Macroon Classic: 1st Open M Foulis Dundonald

Nominated: 1st Open M Foulis Dundonald

Bude: 1st Open 1st West Section M Foulis Dundonald

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section M Foulis Dundonald

1st East Section Burgess & Brennan Bangor

Nominated: 1st East Section J Trimble & Grandson Annalong

Penzance: 1st Open 1st East Section K Rooney, Son & Daughter Annalong

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section Mackey & Lockhart Ballylesson

1st West Section Mackey & Lockhart Ballylesson

Nominated: 1st East Section C McManus & Dtr Crossgar

Penzance Classic: 1st Open 1st East Section K Rooney, Son & Dtr Annalong

1st West Section Mackey & Lockhart Ballylesson

St Malo OB Derby: 1st Open 1st East Section Gallagher Bros Annsborough

Nominated: 1st Open 1st East Section D Shaw Bangor

1st West Section T Marshall & Son Newtownbreda

Nominated: 1st West Section R & J Conlane Belmont


1st Navan: 1st Open 1st West Section W Morrison Belmont

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section W Morrison Belmont

1st East Section Harper & Young Cloughey

Nominated: 1st East Section Lambert & Stewart Bangor

2nd Navan: 1st Open 1st West Section I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda

1st East Section Gordon Bros & Sons Cloughey

Nominated: 1st East Section P Byrne & Son Crossgar

1st Kilkea: 1st Open 1st West Section R & J Conlane Belmont

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section J Patterson Ballylesson

1st East Section S & K Duke Crossgar

Nominated: 1st East Section R Moore & Son Bangor

2nd Kilkea: 1st Open 1st West Section B Hogg & Sons Newtownbreda

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section M Foulis Dundonald

1st East Section K Rooney, Son & Dtr Annalong

Nominated: 1st East Section K Rooney, Son & Dtr Annalong

1st Gowran Park: 1st Open 1st West Section Mr & Mrs S Brown Dundonald

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section M & Mrs S Brown Dundonald

1st East Section Burgess & Brennan Bangor

Nominated: 1st East Section R Moore & Son Bangor

2nd Gowran Park: 1st Open 1st West Section I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda

1st East Section W & N Cully Portavogie

Nominated: 1st East Section Ambrose & Kelly Portavogie

Fermoy: 1st Open 1st East Section K Rooney, Son & Dtr Annalong

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section Mackey & Lockhart Ballylesson

1st West Section R & J Conlane Belmont

Nominated: 1st East Section K Rooney, Son & Dtr Annalong

Talbenny Y/B Derby: 1st Open 1st West Section W White & Son Newtownbreda

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section B & H Marshall Newtownbreda

1st East Section G & P Brown Annsborough

Nominated: 1st East Section D Shaw Bangor

1st Skibbereen Y/B Derby: 1st Open 1st West Section B Hogg & Sons Newtownbreda

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section M Foulis Dundonald

1st East Section G & P Brown Annsborough

Nominated: 1st East Section S & K Duke Crossgar

2nd Skibbereen Y/B Derby: 1st Open 1st West Section I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda

Nominated: 1st Open 1st West Section M Foulis Dundonald

1st East Section: G Lyttle Comber Social

Nominated: 1st East Section D Shaw Bangor


Mr & Mrs S Brown Dundonald 129 points


M Foulis Dundonald 126 points


Old Bird Season – Dundonald H.P.S 177 points

Young Bird Season – Newtownbreda H.P.S 131 points


Awarded for a bird placed 3 times in the old bird derby result

None won



Skibbereen Classic – Burgess & Brennan Bangor

St. Malo O/B Derby – Gallagher Bros Annsborough

1st Skibbereen Y/B Derby – G & P Brown Annsborough

Talbenny Y/B Derby – G & P Brown Annsborough

2nd Skibbereen Y/B Derby – G Lyttle Comber Social

Ballylesson Centre

Skibbereen Classic – J Patterson Ballylesson

St. Malo O/B Derby – T Marshall & Son Newtownbreda

1st Skibbereen Y/B Derby – B Hogg & Sons Newtownbreda

Talbenny Y/B Derby – W White & Son Newtownbreda

2nd Skibbereen Y/B Derby – I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda

Portavogie Centre

Skibbereen Classic – R Moore & Son Bangor

St. Malo O/B Derby – D Shaw Bangor

1st Skibbereen Y/B Derby – D Shaw Bangor

Talbenny Y/B Derby – D Shaw Bangor

2nd Skibbereen Y/B Derby – C & H Cully Cloughey


Skibbereen inland old bird national – 1st East Down Combine 34th North Section

McCartan & Woodsides Crossgar

Senna Cove Yearling National – 1st East Down Combine 7th Open, 5th North Section

McCartan & Woodsides Crossgar

Saint Allouestre Kings Cup – 1st East Down Combine, 18th Open, 13th North Section

Cowan & McCartney Dundonald

St Malo Friendship National – 1st East Down Combine, 1st Open

R Straney Killyleagh Central

Penzance Y/B National – 1st East Down Combine 43rd Open, 39th North Section

Adair & McCombs Crossgar

Skibbereen Y/B National – 1st East Down Combine 9th Open, 2nd North Section

Mark Foulis Dundonald


Old Bird Inland Champion – Mark Foulis Dundonald 291 points

Old Bird Inland Champion West Section – Mark Foulis Dundonald 125 points

Old Bird Inland Champion East Section – Burgess & Brennan Bangor 119 points

Old Bird Channel Champion – Mackey & Lockhart Ballylesson 160 points

Old Bird Channel Champion West Section - Mackey & Lockhart Ballylesson 77 points

Old Bird Channel Champion East Section - J Trimble & Grandson Annalong 86 points

Young Bird Champion – I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda 344 points

Young Bird Champion West Section – I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda 160 points

Young Bird Champion East Section – Harper & Young Cloughey 133 points


Burgess & Brennan Bangor 596 points


Mark Foulis Dundonald 597 points


(H Morrow Memorial Cup)

M Foulis Dundonald 1496 points
willie reynolds
Posts: 6883
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Re: Prize List for 2022 -

Post by willie reynolds »

Reminder to Prize Winners & Members The EDC Dinner & Prize Presentation is on Friday 18th November in the Temple Golf Club.

Bookings can be made by contacting the Secretary on 07533480598 or Dorothy Smyth on 02890826081.

The price remains at £25 per person and music will be provided this year.

A list of all winners is on the EDC web site.
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