AGM Saturday 14/01/2023

The East Down Combine was formed in 1967 and caters for pigeons fanciers within the County of Down in Northern Ireland. There are currently 22 clubs with approx 200 members sending a birdage of up to 5,000 pigeons each week. The Combine is currently spilt into 2 Section with a line running North to South creating an East to West Section. The membership currently race for 40 Open positions and 20 Section positions on a weekly basis. The Combine is affiliated to The Irish Homing Union Regulating and Promoting the Sport of Pigeon Racing in Ireland since 1895. Click here for all the latest news and results from the East Down Combine. Weekly reports penned by Clifford Browne.
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willie reynolds
Posts: 6883
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

AGM Saturday 14/01/2023

Post by willie reynolds »

Combine AGM

With the start of a New Year the first event on the EDC 2023 Calendar is the AGM which will be on Saturday 14th January at 2pm in the War Memorial Hall Crossgar and by now all members should have received the Agenda for the meeting so it is hoped for a good turnout of members .

Included on the Agenda as always is the election of officers for the season and this is the time to inform everyone that this is my last article as a PRO for after many years the time has come for me to retire from writing and spend , if possible ,a little more time with my own birds .To all those have helped with news, photos ,etc over many years a huge thank you for without you all it would not have been possible to keep this column going . I close by wishing everyone a very Happy and Healthy 2023 and enjoy your pigeons .

Should you wish to contact me I can be reached at Clifford Browne PO.
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