Bilco - RP Column 06/11/2009

The articles displayed within the Bilco's Bulletin area off the forum have been retyped by one of our editorial team in the interests of promoting the sport of pigeon racing in Ireland with the prior approval of late Bill Cowell, for the enjoyment of our many loyal members around the world who don't have access to the Racing Pigeon Weekly.
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willie reynolds
Posts: 6883
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Bilco - RP Column 06/11/2009

Post by willie reynolds »

RP Column - 06/11/09

I Was Disappointed....

When my entry for the High Littleton FC Tours National didn't make it home on the day of liberation, but as two of them returned from their near 300 miles canter the following morning bright and early, I was happy to time in and drive the 20 miles up to High Littleton in the evening to have my clock read. I was again disappointed to read in the Fancy Press about the first 120 on the result sheet, but my late timer was snipped off even though it was well in race time. So were several others of course, so I wasn't alone, but now I have all those digs from old mates who say I thought you got some home from Tours, didn't see your name in the results. I mutter something about them going far, far, far off, with a grin before I connect with their backsides, but it smarts all the same. They think I was making it up! Next year I'll send a few more to Lamballe with the BBC, they ain't afraid to publish those with the low vels.

Old Soldiers Never Die...

as the saying goes, not over here anyway, not if we can help it. But in the USA things might be different if their new President gets his way. He wants to make soldiers pay through their Health Insurance for hospital treatment for injuries sustained in battles. In the face of the almighty ruckus he withdrew his tabled motion from the Senate. Good job Gordon Brown didn't hear him waffling on, or we might be getting the same treatment over here shortly.

Computer, He Say....

I have long tried to convince fanciers that they ought to have a computer in the house, not just for their children's education, for a child without a PC is a child deprived of an ever changing library book, but for their own sake because the latest , in many spheres like weather, Defra news, race results, etc, is always there for constant reference.

Last week on one of the fancier forums a Charity Auction in aid of helping Heroes, offering YBs off champions, calls donations etc, to raise money for injured servicemen, and among those offers was the donation of a YB bred last summer from a three times 1st NIPA winning cock, out of a hen bred by Ron Williamson from his best. Within five minutes of it appearing on screen the bids were over 300 pounds and only five fanciers in the UK have a YB out of this cock, such is the demand. It will go further no doubt, but for those fanciers without access to the internet it might never have happened. If an octogenarian like me can master a PC, so can you. Look what your missing.

You Have Been Warned...

I am making a comeback (of sorts) if I can remember where the loft and club is. ETS is mounted, new sections are complete, the German nestboxes and YB perches are installed and some new, fresh and top quality pigeons have been begged, borrowed and even bought from some top fanciers. I talk to Frank Sheader, John Gladwin, Bill Haslam and Silver Grizzle, Vince Cooney and others. some top quality Vandenabeeles and Soontjens now reside alongside the best retained of my Van Loon, Geoff Cooper and Van Winkel stock. When I told my clubmates they scratched their heads, said Oh Arr and went back to drinking their cider. I got the impression they weren't very worried, hmmm. We shall wait to see what happens when I start flying 'em.

I've Just Seen...

The list of birds gifted to the Bill Woodall Blind Fund. Among them are some that have already attracted 200 pounds each in bids before they even get to the Press! Birds donated by Menne & Daughter, Hans Pumpe (Barcelona Aces) Jamie Clark (same way bred as 1st High Littleton YB Tours National 2009), Dr Jeff Horn, John Gladwin, Frenchman Robert Ben, J & D Staddon and a host of other ace names like Ron Crook, Brian Holland, M & P Fishlock, Terry McCarthy, Fed Cornwall, albert Babington, Sheedy Bros, Joey Raeburn, Jeff Newman, Mick Collins, John Wills, Les Pinfiled, Ted Ivory, Mark Cliff, Bill Holland, John Hodgeson, Bill Lewis, Crehan & O'Connor, Budgie Crathorne, Bill Hague, Jim Peters, Steve Wright, Jack Harris, Karl-Heinz & Gisela Peeters, the Belgian PIPA Elie Centre, Rezenthel Bros, Schneider, Stoffel Ophoff, Dr H P Brockamp and others. Fill your boots! Its a sale for an old soldier who has been blinded, to enable him to carry on by installing ETA and electronic cleaning in his loft, balance to St Dunstans for other injured British Servicemen.

My apologies if I hurt anyone's feelings, but a cause like this, and the one scheduled for next March when we auction off about 100+ birds to raise funds for Help Our Heroes (Injured Servicemen) may do a hell of a lot more for our image in the eyes of the British public, than all the fat donations poured into the bottomless coffers of the British Heart Foundation, Asthma, Pigeon Fancier's Lung research, all of whom have scores of other sources funding them. Charity is charity, wherever it is needed, so no need to politicise matters further.
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