Loft Feature - P & J Boal, Dromore HPS

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willie reynolds
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Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Loft Feature - P & J Boal, Dromore HPS

Post by willie reynolds »


With many more 1st’s, top NIPA Section & Open Positions plus 4 x RPRA Awards since my last visit back in 2009 I thought it about time to repay a visit to the lofts of Philip & Joe Boal in Dromore, Northern Ireland. Philip Boal before I go any further is a fancier that I have covered before following outstanding levels of success over the years, I personally rate him as one of the best fanciers in N.Ireland for consistency, knowledge, good stockmanship which has resulted in many other fanciers at every level of competition winning big with his pigeons, but in my eyes more importantly a performance fancier who year in year out is mixing it just not with the top fanciers at Club, or NIPA Section D Level but over-all in the MIGHTY NIPA, particularly with the lofts O/Bird performances. Having scribed now for a number of years covering many top lofts, I give particular stature to a loft that can produce outstanding O/Bird performances, personally I consider these the harder to motivate to success in comparison to Y/Bird racing.

Following a number of failed occasions on my part to catch up with Philip we finally agreed an early morning call which seen me on the road to Dromore at 6.45am, with my new arrival Miss Chloe McCormick proving harder work than my previous two children, that hour of the morning worked out perfect. On arriving at Philips house on the Circular Road it was evident to see that a few changes where in process, with the immediate stock loft and aviary that normally greeted me no longer there. I was eager to find out what was happening or in fact was yet another fancier leaving the sport? Philip dismissed my fears from the word go going on to tell me that he is in the process of building a 3,000 square foot new property not very far from where he is at the minute, with a very sizeable site this allowing Philip to have the complete loft built the way he has always wanted and as he put it a custom made all in one, taking into consideration all his experience over the years (I suppose every fanciers dream come true).

Philip a construction manager flies in partnership with his brother Joe a self employed electrician (handy professions for the construction of a new house and loft) Joe sadly suffers from advanced pigeon lung and can not enter the lofts at all, but never misses a race day, nor involvement in the day to day running of the loft and the purchasing of new stock, a point that Philip has mentioned on a number of occasions over the years is how much he appreciates his brothers support.

The partnership have been members of the Dromore HPS since 1988 but have been in and around pigeons in some form since childhood. Racing within Section D of the mighty NIPA each week can see them compete against up to 600 pigeons at Club level with upwards of 3,000 pigeons at Section Level looking always to score at NIPA Open level with upwards of 30,000 pigeons competing. Stiff and very much tough competition in achieving success at any level never mind all three. Since commencing racing with the Dromore HPS the Brothers have achieved phenomenal success scoring in the region of 150 x 1st Clubs and no less than 35 x 1st NIPA Section D Diplomas. (Incredible racing competing against some of the best fanciers within Northern Ireland in Section D of the NIPA).

With continued success year in year out, I will have admiration for any fancier, as a good fancier told me some time ago, it takes a life time to get to the top of your game and once there it’s a constant battle to stay at the top. You can never stand high on your laurels as pigeon racing has become a very competitive game nothing can let you down quicker and be rest assured the fanciers below you in the results each week, won’t stand still they are looking to be where you are. With all this in mind and doing an interview with Philip Boal gave me the opportunity to find out exactly how you do stay at the top of your game especially winning year in year out with Old Birds.

I started by finding out a bit about the new loft, constructed of wood with a pan tiled roof, in total the loft measures 64ft in length by 10ft wide of this 3 ft is a corridor, state of the art ets traps fitted along the front with aviaries for both Y/Birds and Stock Pigeons, the lay out of the loft is 8 x 8ft Sections as follows 2 x Y/Birds, 2 x Stock, 2 x Widowhood Cocks, 1 x Store and 1 x Widowhood Hens. Polycarbonate tiles are installed along the complete frontage of the roof to allow maximum sun light. Grilled floors throughout including walkway. Purpose built widowhood boxes, including custom made perches are fitted through the complete loft and as you would imagine the plans are finalised to the highest specification. Certainly and perhaps one of the dominators of not standing still when at the top continually seeking improvement as this new loft has proved.

The transition of change will take time Philip admits, even though the new loft is less than 100 meters from the old, but new beginnings mean the opportunity to maybe do something different, a stop gap so to speak. Certainly the plans for the new loft would indicate a far bigger and much more elaborate set-up, this will in my opinion go hand in hand with what the Philip and Joe Boal team are all about - PERFECTION.

The new loft will house 36 x Stock pair, 30 x Widowhood cocks, 40 x Widowhood Hens and around 100 youngsters. Many will know that Philip and Joe Boal have always been regarded as having the most expansive family of Wily Van Hercks outside of Belgium to the point that Philip has had to breed birds in his loft to go back to Belgium, simply he has the crème of the de crème and for sure they have not failed when the transporters have emptied, proving just not their worth for the brothers but fanciers the length of Ireland including a chosen few in the UK. Currently at stock the Boal team have many proven breeders of the Van Hercks, including no less than 18 x 1st NIPA Section D Winners up to 4,000 pigeons competing and many of these with Top Ten NIPA Open Positions to their name with some multiple winners.

Added to the Award Winning Stock Lofts this year are the introduction of the Herman Ceusters from Leo Hermans himself included in this following three visits are 11 x G/Children of the famous “Olympiad”, 3 x direct from “Samson”, 2 x direct from “De Caprio” and three from the WONDER HEN “Las Vegas” including performance pigeons. These have been brought in to implement the current winning team at the Boal lofts, as have other families over the years, going right back to the start with Verheye and Janssen pigeons via Colin Gibson/Louella, then Philip introduced the direct Grondelaer on top of this the Frans Van Tilbourghs and a few others. Bottom line nothing has compared to the Van Hercks, AWESOME. Year in Year out they are producing winners, for instance in the Stock loft you had the famous “NOAH 96“ what a racer on the road for Philip. I was present at the Boal lofts many times, well before ETS when “Noah 96” should have won far more that it did but for bad traps, even though its racing CV as it sits would command £‘s in Belgium now in the stock loft presently Philip and Joe now have a son of this Ace Pigeon he is a NIPA Section D Winner, also a G/Daughter a NIPA Section D Winner and a G/G/Daughter also an NIPA Section D Winner truly magnificent. But its all about resting on your laurels and that certainly hasn’t been the case with Philip and Joe, good pigeons are purchased regardless of cost as has been the case with the Herman Ceusters, something about Philip must be took into consideration he will never buy a pigeon without seeing it first, if he does it will come highly recommended and should it not pass the handling aspect on arriving at the lofts it will be moved on.

Philip has been an ardent reader of the Duif now for many years and has followed the continental scene for some time including Holland, Belgium and Germany often pointing the way to fellow fanciers for change and new stock, this long before the internet/chat sites took hold. Many friendships for Philip have been cemented as a consequence both here and abroad.

As a friend now for a number of years and more recently starting to take the pigeon photographs I have had the honour of handling and photographing all the best of the Van Hercks also photographing the new imports (Herman Ceusters), if the handling is anything to go by we will be reading more about the lofts of Philip and Joe Boal in the next two to three years as that’s the time I give the set up to be back to true prominence at the new location.

The racing of the O/Birds has been the back bone of racing/success for the partnership of P & J Boal over the last number of years right up to Penzance a distance of 300 miles to the loft winning no less than 7 x 1st Section from this particular race point and for me it was interesting to hear from Philip what all was involved in achieving such excellence with them. Philip went on to explain that he has his own system in place for O/Birds based simply on widowhood with a sense of Jealousy but only experience of your own pigeons will teach you which ones that this system can work on this is why Phil has more widowhood hens than cocks, as at times he can have two hens mated to the one cock, this wont work for every pigeon and for the fast majority of the time it is a case of trial and error. For instance “Champion Baard” an RPRA Award Winner for Philip & Joe raced better when she seen her cock with another hen. On the flip side of the coin “Champion Young Bobby” when he seen his hen he was always well down the result simply got over excited, “Young Bobby” went on to win 3 x 1st Section D NIPA proving that no same system works for two pigeons. (I recall a conversation I had with the 6 x 1st National Winner Alan Darragh about excitement in pigeons some time ago (btw a fancier that Philip has very high admiration for) Alan told me there was a fine line in getting a pigeon ready for a race regarding excitement put them over the limit you’ve blew it). Philip admits that it is all about knowing your team of pigeons as individuals and knowing what makes them tick and what sends them over the edge.

I went on to ask Philip about detailing his winning system for O/Bird Racing, again he stressed that there is no over-all winning system that can be put into print, for if that where the case everybody would be first each week, through time you develop your own and only through time will you know what your pigeons need to excel at different distances, then of course experience will teach you about forward thinking for the week ahead including wind condition/difficult/easy race ahead. Philip to give credit where its due elaborated further with his weekly formula which starts on a Saturday on return from any said race.

On Saturday as the birds return from racing they will be fed little amounts of Energy Mix up to three times, before Philip goes to the Club they are then fed a little Sport Mixture and in the water will be Belgasol. On return from the Club on Saturday evening they will get as much depurative as they want Zell Oxygen or Optimix will be added to the depurative. The depurative will be tipped out before Dark. All cocks are Fed in their Boxes and the hens are fed on the floor. Sunday morning will see all the pigeons enjoy ¼ rations no exercise and allowed to rest with Belgasol in the water. Sunday evening if the previous days race wasn’t a tough one they will exercise around the house, they will receive just depurative on Sunday evening and this is measured. In the water will be Nifuramycin. Philip also stressed if the previous days racing was difficult and he can tell pigeons are down some what they will get a product on Sunday named Traumeel, this will clean them up and give them a good start to the week ahead.

Monday starts the new working week for Philip as a Construction Manager often over an hour or 1 & ½ hours drive to his work place pending on where the company have him positioned. So that means very early starts in the morning with many late nights spent in the lofts preparing feeding etc for the next day. Simply in my opinion 100% DEDICATION.

Monday morning with the pigeons will mean firstly exercise, this for one hour cocks only, they are not force flew, as Philip says pigeons in tip top condition shouldn’t need forced to fly, especially O/Birds. While out the widowhood sections are cleaned from top to bottom, on re-entering the loft the widowers will have a measured amount of which will be a break down of 50/50 Depurative and Vanrobeys No 12 Sport. The water will be as it was on Sunday evening. On re-turn from work for Philip its pigeons first, simply it has to be Philip admitted based on the level of work that’s required doing, as both Cocks and Hens are out in the evening, obviously not together so for this to happen already we have spent two hours and as Philip says when the youngsters then come along, especially the early days evening is the only time that they can be let out to facilitate the mucking about that they generally do. So the evening can be very demanding. (just on the above Philip is considering only flying the widowhood cocks this year in the morning and dropping the evening flight to see if it makes any difference). Monday night feeding with be exactly the same as Monday morning 50/50 Depurative and Sport Mix. Only difference being the corn will be coated in Sedochol. As for the water Naturaline Tea. Tuesday morning will be as it was on Monday morning, just to mention the Cocks are all fed in their respective boxes and the Hens together on the floor. Tuesday morning the water will be as it was Monday night (Pigeon Tea). Tuesday evening will see the feeding changed with the purposes of building them up for the race ahead they will receive 100% No 12 which will have been coated the night before in Sheep Fat Oil as for the water Blitzform. Wednesday Morning the 100% No 12 continues as does the Blitzform in the water this will remain in the water for all of Wednesday. Wednesday evening with regards feeding, it is ranked up a gear yet again as the build up continues firstly they will have 100% Vanrobeys No 12 this will have been coated the night before with Omega Plus as well as Gervit W or Alvitgl on the Corn. Now around one hour after feeding the Section Doors are reopened to allow the Widowhood cocks onto the corridor of the loft here they will be hand fed a small amount of Elite 47 to enhance their energy levels, the amount very much depends on the wind direction facing the pigeons in the fourth coming race. Thursday morning they will receive slightly more Sport mixture than normal with plain water. Thursday evening the pigeons will exercise around the lofts for the last time prior to basketing on the Friday for the race ahead. Feeding will be Widowhood mixture soaked in Sheep Fat Oil from the previous evening, Blitzform will be added to the water on Thursday evening. Once again as was the case on Wednesday evening the cocks will be let into the corridor approx one hour after feeding is finished to be hand fed more Elite 47 this time they will get as much as they want. Friday morning which as every day of the week starts around 5.30am with the widowhood cocks, they will have in their boxes as per normal a feed of 50% Widowhood and 50% Energy, if all has went to plan during the week, this feed will tell Philip how the pigeons are, for if they are ready for the task ahead, they will eat very little of what is put in front of them, all feeding is removed after 15 mins. In the Water on Friday will have a basis of TS6+ with a little of Renfrew ’Mumm’ added. Philip went on to tell me that if weather forecast is difficult for the week, ie cold, high winds etc with a difficult race forecast for the end of the week, extra protein would be added to the feed from Sunday onwards in the form of G10 Pellets, and accordingly if a fast race is expected the feed on a Thursday night would be cut back to facilitate for same.

Getting the pigeons at the end of a season through a successful moult is one of the biggest objectives of the year for Philip and as he put it “will ensure a good start to the eminent breeding season and subsequent O/Bird racing season“. Once again Vanrobeys is the preferred choice for Philip the best of the Moulting mixture, for around three to four weeks. On top of this a product Philip has never been without in all the years have known him Nautraline Tea, they will have this every day in the water. On top of this twice a week they will avail of Zell Oxygen plus Energy Oil twice a week over the corn, topped up with at least a couple of baths.

Breeding, probably the most important part of the year for most successful fanciers, where the potential Champions are produced !! Everything within the Boal lofts including racers and stock are paired over the Xmas period, preferably Boxing Day. The widowhood pairs will be separated after the first youngsters are 14 days old with the Cocks left to rear a single youngster each. Once the 21days are up nest bowls are out for the Widowers and the implementation of discipline will be applied throughout the Widowhood Sections this can be at times very demanding especially with new yearling cocks added to the existing Widowhood team. A calm Widowhood loft is a must for Philip, and one that he endeavours to achieve each year. With regards breeding Philip tries to mate large to small and never to eyes the same.

The training of the O/Birds at the start of each season will see them firstly exercise around the lofts twice per day until Philip sees that they are ready for the road. Simply he says they will let you know when they are fit. Once ready for tossing the cocks as they get every year will have 6 x tosses by Car prior to the first year, these will be a couple of times from 12 miles, followed by 2 tosses from 25 miles and the final two from 50 miles. The three training locations are the same each year. The pigeons are cleaned daily from top to bottom with grilled floors the preferred choice, just something through observations are that Philip thinks that the pigeons are more satisfied on a solid floor within the nest box rather than a grilled one, similar to us in a way standing on a solid foundation or grilled floor all day. As Philip says when you have hand made nest boxes with a grilled floor, finished at the frontage with a solid board, where will the pigeons be resting at night when closing up the lofts and first thing in the morning, on the solid board!!

The O/Birds will be vaccinated prior to racing commencing, this has took place at the same time each year and has proved to give them a lift for the first race. They will also be on a three week cycle of medication covering Canker and Respiratory treatments include Flagyl Liquid for the Canker and Soludox or Saunovil for treatment and prevention of Respiratory then the third week would be a clear one. On top of this other general treatments given include Moxidectin for Worms; Baycox for Coxi administered before Breeding and Racing. Before breeding they will always get a dosing of Amoxycillin and after the moult a treatment of Cosimix or Trimizim 30% for Parathyroid and just something to add to the over-all health on a weekly basis all pigeons get Biumos an excellent pro biotic for the stomach and gut.

Y/Bird racing is considered a time of education by the Boal team, with very little emphasis are put on achieving big performances, hence the complete team remaining on the Natural system, Philip does concede that you must now race Darkness for their to be any chance of Y/Bird success/dominance although he would be of the opinion that Natural babies do turn out to be better yearlings. Around 100 youngsters will be reared by the lofts and they will be put on Vanrobeys breeding mix for the first 12 - 14 weeks of their lives. They will then have a diet basis of Gerry Plus. When training commences they will have 50% Gerry and 50% Breeding, as when the exercise increases they will require a certain amount of Protein and the quantity will vary based on work load requested of them. Once in full flight and training daily the diet will change to 50% Gerry and 50% No12 of Vanrobey. Once racing has started the break down will change once again with Gerry Plus fed to them Sunday, Monday and Tuesday followed by Vanrobey No12 Wed & Thurs with added energy mix given in the evening. Additives on the Corn and in the water would be similar to the O/Birds but just not to the same extent, no need for it as they are not competing or expected to at the same level of competition as their older counter parts.

Training of the youngsters can be a testing time as many will know and if patience where to be sold in Jar’s it would be a Sell Out. Philip has to be happy with their effort around home before they are summoned to the Basket, all tossing is carried out by Philip himself for the majority of the time, the only time they will see other youngsters is perhaps one toss prior to racing when they will be tested when mixed with other youngsters. Training will be carried out at the exact same three points as the widowhood racers 12, 25 and 50 mile locations. Firstly they will have 10 tosses from the 12 mile point followed by as many as necessary from the 25 mile location when they have homed back to the lofts on a number of consecutive occasions before Philip he will then move them to 50 miles where they will have around four of these with the last two being when the youngsters will be tested in batches of 10 at a time. Simply drumming the education into them rather than follow the leader. Philip will then bring them back to 25 x miles and keep them their releasing them at no more than 4 at a time, this will continue daily until the aforementioned one big toss prior to the first race, when racing has commenced they will remain at the 25 mile release point daily only they will be released in two’s at a time, very time consuming but as Phil says that system sorts them out and ultimately reduces the work load as weeks go on and of course the corn bill. After two weeks of this they will only be trained around the lofts morning and night.

Vaccinating of the youngsters will occur when they leave the nest as Philip says a Y/Bird’s immunity is established within the first 40 days of hatching. They will also receive a second dose prior to racing. Y/birds will also receive cider vinegar once a week a dose of 10ml to 1 litre, but this will cease when racing commences as they simply don’t like it. As like the widowhood racers they will have Beneflora on the corn once per week.

Philip & Joe have had like many fanciers around the country many up’s and more down’s, I personally was present at the lofts on a number of Saturdays watching the Boal pigeons return and can assure the fancy that 1st Open’s where lost due to bad trapping. So on asking Philip what the highlight of his career was to date he was quick to answer winning the Tony Cornwall RPRA Trophy with ‘Baard’ awarded to the National UK Any Distance Champion, a top honour to win. On the biggest disappointment there where simply to many to select and out and out winner.

With all my info for this report absorbed from Philip and hopefully you agree he has went into great detail, he surprised me by asking did I want to see the new loft, so out we went and down the road to what can only be described as a building site with scaffolding surrounding new foundations of the proposed new family home, what an impressive property it will be when complete, set within a very spacious amount of land. But further more what about the loft, already built and ready to go and as I’m sure you can imagine when you see the attention to detail in Philip’s racing system you can just imagine what the new loft looks like, nothing has been forgotten and perhaps one of the best I have seen in recent years. Simply Superb. I will close this report by listing the results of P & J Boal since my last visit in 2009 and wish the brothers every success both with their new family at stock and of course the new location. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever you will be reading about more success for the lofts of P & J Boal, Dromore, Northern Ireland.

2010 - O/Birds 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th & 13th Club 422 Birds finishing 5th, 6th & 35th NIPA Section D 2,093 pigeons Tullamore; 1st, 5th, 6th, 11th, 12th & 13th Club 488 Birds, 1st, 14th, 15th, 40th, 41st & 42nd NIPA Section D 3,106 pigeons finishing 2nd, 54th, 57th, 150th & 165th Open NIPA Tullamore (2) 24,776 pigeons; 2nd, 13th & 14th Club 625 Birds, 2nd, 32nd & 33rd NIPA Section D 3,512 pigeons finishing 113th Open Roscrea with 28,018 pigeons competing; 4th Club 496 pigeons, 5th, 28th & 32nd NIPA Section D 3,353 pigeons finishing 17th Open NIPA Clonmel with 25,998 pigeons competing; 5th, 7th & 8th Club 462 birds, 5th, 7th, 8th & 21st NIPA Section D 3,344 pigeons finishing 197th, 110th & 111th Open NIPA Clonmel (2) 26,551 pigeons competing; 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th & 13th Club 521 Birds, 11th, 12th, 14th, 21st & 35th NIPA Section D 3,622 pigeons finishing 62nd, 65th, 68th & 113th Open Fermoy 26,159 pigeons competing; 2nd, 3rd, 8th, 9th & 13th Club 218 pigeons, 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 11th & 20th NIPA Section D 1,334 pigeons finishing 62nd & 63rd Open NIPA Clonmel with10,409 pigeons competing; 3rd, 4th, 5th & 10th Club 150 Birds, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 27th, 29th & 31st NIPA Section D 1,334 Birds finishing 43rd, 51st, 91st & 153rd Rosscarbery National 6,691 pigeons competing; 1st Club, 1st North Section 2,998 Birds finishing 7th & 135th INFC Skibbereen National 3,754 pigeons competing; 2nd, 6th & 7th Club 168 Birds, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 15th NIPA Section D 950 Birds finishing 4th, 20th, 21st & 61st Open NIPA Fermoy 6,301 pigeons competing; 2nd & 9th Club 176 Birds, 5th & 18th NIPA Section D finishing 65th & 163rd Open Talbenny with 12,331 pigeons competing; 3rd Club, 3rd NIPA Section D 272 Birds finishing 13th Open NIPA Fermoy 5 Bird 2,366 pigeons competing; 1st, 6th & 11th Club 137 Birds, 1st, 15th & 42nd NIPA Section D 1,175 pigeons finishing 7th & 121st Open NIPA Penzance 7,913 pigeons; 1st, 6th & 11th Club 120 Birds, 1st & 9th NIPA Section D finishing 5th, 80th & 180th NIPA Penzance Classic 2,951 pigeons; 1st, 4th & 6th Club, 2nd & 10th NIPA Section D finishing 29th Rosscarbery O/Hens National 988 pigeons competing.

2010 - Y/Birds - 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th & 12th Club 467 Birds, 3rd, 7th, 12th, 16th, 25th & 43rd NIPA Section D finishing 12th, 24th, 43rd, 64th, 85th & 132nd NIPA Open Roscrea 24,436 pigeons competing; 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 13th & 14th Club 475 pigeons, 6th 12th, 19th & 29th NIPA Section D 3,200 pigeons finishing 19th, 37th, 54th & 83rd NIPA Open Roscrea (2) with 27,087 pigeons competing. 5th & 7th Club 481 pigeons, 29th & 31st NIPA Section D 2,777 pigeons finishing 132nd & 147th Open NIPA with 23,692 pigeons competing; 9th Club 318 pigeons, 37th NIPA Section D 2,507 pigeons finishing 146th Open NIPA Fermoy 19,604 pigeons competing and finally prior to the birds falling apart 2nd Club Talbenny.

2011 - O/Birds - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 11th Club 347 pigeons finishing 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 15th & 41st NIPA Section D Tullamore with 2,838 pigeons competing; 2nd Club 355 pigeons, 4th NIPA Section D 3,216 pigeons finishing 35th Open NIPA Tullamore (2) with some 24,873 pigeons competing; 6th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th & 13th Club 515 pigeons, 35th NIPA Section D 3,725 pigeons finishing 141st Open Roscrea with 30,000 pigeons competing; 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, 14th & 15th Club 462 pigeons finishing 10th, 11th, 37th, 39th, 43rd & 44th NIPA Section D Clonmel 3,718 pigeons competing; 8th & 11th Club 300 pigeons, 27th & 31st NIPA Section D 1,482 pigeons finishing 112th & 121st Open NIPA Roscrea (2) with some 12,355 pigeons competing; 6th, 7th & 10th Club, 19th, 20th, 25th & 31st NIPA Section D 702 pigeons finishing 52nd, 54th, 92nd, 124th & 241st NIPA Rosscarbery O/Bird National 6,172 pigeons competing; 1st, 7th & 8th Club, 9th, 72nd & 73rd INFC Skibbereen North Section 3,467 pigeons finishing 133rd National over-all; 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th & 7th Club, 1st, 2nd, 6th & 11th NIPA Section D finishing 2nd, 4th, 19th & 41st Open NIPA Rosscarbery O/Hens National 1,699 pigeons competing; 9th & 10th Club, 16th & 17th NIPA Section D finishing 53rd, 54th & 85th Open Rosscarbery O/Cocks National 1,937 pigeons competing; 4th, 5th, 8th & 12th Club, 3rd & 8th NIPA Section D finishing 7th, 26th, 65th & 119th NIPA Open Fermoy 5 Bird 2,488 pigeons competing; 7th Club, 15th Section D 1,086 pigeons finishing 100th Open NIPA Penzance 6,988 pigeons competing; 5th Club, 7th Section D NIPA finishing 60th Open Penzance Classic with 2,852 pigeons competing.

With a move of house and a new loft on the horizon it was decided not to race Y/Birds in 2011, the above results over two years resulted in the lofts of P & J Boal winning 4 x RPRA Awards just some other stats gathered the Widowhood Hens in that period clocked up a staggering 4 x 1st NIPA Section D Diplomas in the over-all 6 x 1st Section Diplomas won by the loft, on top of that the hens also showed well in the loft recording 6 x 2nd Section and 6 x 3rd Section in the same period. Perhaps they are the more jealous of the two ?? In the same time talking about consistency the P & J Boal loft where 3 x 2nd Open NIPA other top twenty finishes included in no particular order, 7th, 17th, 4th, 20th, 9th, 4th, 19th, 7th, 13th, 7th, 5th, 12th & 19th with upwards of 28,000 pigeons competing. Simply Outstanding !!

Adie McCormick







The fantastic new loft of P & J Boal in Dromore.

Youngsters getting used to the new loft.

Philip Boal holding his latest introduction, direct son of Las Vegas.

Philip Boal (l) with De Caprio Montage and Dirk van Dyke.

From (l) Philip Boal, Wily van Herck and Billy Harris (Dublin).

Philip Boal (l) with Leo Hermans in Belgium.
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