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Liberations w/e 11/05/24

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 7:37 am
by willie reynolds
Thursday 09/05/24

This week’s race - NIPA Office 9 May 2024
The President has instructed me to inform the membership that this week’s race is from Fermoy. We have also been informed that we have been granted permission for a new release site which is North of Limerick City , this however is for discussion on another day . Please note that this is your 4 week payment please ensure that your payments are sent in via the transporter on collection night Thanks CEO Fred.

East Down combine will hamper tomorrow night as planned for the weekend race from Pilmore Beach. Dorothy Smyth PO.

b]Saturday 1th May 2024[/b]

IHU Nat FC birds have been liberated in Valentia at 8.00am in perfect conditions wind slight south east. Fred Malone.

[Nipa 1st Fermoy old birds Saturday 11/5/2024

[color=#FFEst0000]The NIPA have released in Fermoy at 9.00am in a light East wind, your birds cleared well.[/color]

East Coast Fed (Dublin) birds liberated in Castletown at 9.30am. Des Murray.

East Down Combine released at 9.45am in Pilmore Beach wind Lt East SE.

ISRF 10.30am liberation. Barleycove Open 4,780 birds.